Jag bör gå o lägga mig men jag måste se dom två sista avsnitten av säsong 1 av CHUCK

Förresten så ska detta också vara en påminnelse för Trästocksfestivalen, har kollat in en låt med varje band (I vissa fall mer än en faktiskt) och sammanställt en lista (so far) på det jag vill se.

Jonathan Johansson
Kristian Anttila
Melissa Horn
The Doits
Ape Rape Escape
Joel Alme
The Spacious Mind
Stolen Deer
Mattias Alkberg
The Scrags
Maggie At the Grand Piano
The First Aid Kit
Bye Bye Bicycle
Blue Eyed Blondes
Birgit Bidder
Lisa o Piu
Rena Rama


Ska kolla på fler senare.

Vi lyder våra medmänniskor men inte oss själva.

För att besvara alla era frågor så säger jag väl fan bara: JAG VET INTE.

Ett utdrag från No Country For Old Men

(Med skrivtext på det Chigurh gör/säger kanske ni fattar lite lättare.)

What's the most you ever saw lost on a coin toss?

I said what's the most you ever saw on a coin toss.
Coin toss?
Coin toss.
I dont know. Folks dont generally bet on a coin toss. It's usually more like just to settle somethin.
What's the biggest thing you ever saw settled?
I dont know.

Chigurh took a twenty-five cent piece from his pocket and flipped it spinning into the bluish glare of the fluorescent lights overhead. He caught it and slapped it onto the back of his forearm just above the bloody wrappings. Call it, he said.
Call it?
For what?
Just call it.
Well I need to know what it is we're callin here.
How would that change anything?
The man looked at Chigurh's eyes for the first time. Blue as lapis. At once glistening and totally opaque. Like wet stones. You need to call it, Chigurh said. I cant call it for you. It wouldnt be fair. It wouldnt even be right. Just call it.
I didnt put nothin up.
Yes you did. You've been putting it up your whole life. You just didnt know it. You know what the date is on this coin?
It's nineteen fifty-eight. It's been traveling twenty-two years to get here. And now it's here. And I've got my hand over it. And it's either heads or tails. And you have to say. Call it.
I dont know what it is I stand to win.
In the blue light the man's face was beaded thinly with sweat. He licked his upper lip.
You stand to win everything, Chigurh said. Everything.
You aint makin any sense, mister.
Call it.
Heads then.
Chigurh uncovered the coin. He turned his arm slightly for the man to see. Well done, he said.
He picked the coin from his wrist and handed it across.

What do I want with that?
Take it. It's your lucky coin.
I dont need it.
Yes you do. Take it.
The man took the coin. I got to close now, he said.
Dont put it in your pocket
Dont put it in your pocket.
Where do you want me to put it?
Dont put it in your pocket. You wont know which one it is.
All right.
Anything can be an instrument, Chigurh said. Small things. Things you wouldnt even notice. They pass from hand to hand. People dont pay attention. And then one day there's an accounting. And after that nothing is the same. Well you say. It's just a coin. For instance. Nothing special there. What could that be an instrument of? You see the problem. To separate the act from the thing. As if the parts of some moment in history might be interchangeable with the parts of some other moment. How could that be? Well, it's just a coin. Yes. That's true. Is it?
Chigurh cupped his hand and scooped his change from the counter into his palm and put the change in his pocket and turned and walked out the door. The proprietor watched him go. Watched him get into the car. The car started and pulled off from the gravel apron onto the highway south. The lights never did come on. He laid the coin on the counter and looked at it. He put both hands on the counter and just stood leaning there with his head bowed.

Jag skäms

För mycket, för känslor, för aktioner, för saker man inte tycker, för saker man tänker, för saker man inte tänker, jag är ledsen, och jag hatar den här känslan just nu.

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